So I tell my students in our social media course, for sport, that they have to blog on a regular basis in order to draw awareness and gain a following. As you can tell I clearly don't follow my own advice! I haven't posted in forever! Therefore my "following" is slim!
I could say its because nothing has happened lately for me to write about; or that I'm busy writing my own papers that I don't have time; or that I have such a busy social life that I'm preoccupied! But alas, I just haven't taken the time to write.
Most of you on FB have already seen this video, so no need to watch again. I am just following another piece of advice to my students and that is that people want pictures and videos! Most do not want to read the long ramblings of us "wanna-be-writers"! But if I throw up a pic or video of me making fun of my dog, etc. you will read! Or so statistics say.
"JACK" is my new dog and he is small, somewhat "barky" dog who on occasion obsessively bites at things he "sees" in the air. He may be a candidate for the Dog Whisperer. Jack's previous owners sent me his "winter clothes". I have sworn I will NEVER become THAT person who puts a sweater on my dog! Well I had to do it just for the fun of it. After being very sure-footed and as fast as a cheeta, Jack was pathetic in his booties! He stumbled around, lifted his paws like he had gum on the bottom of his "shoes", and just all-around could NOT walk right.
It, of course, made me laugh hysterically! One of those laughs where you can't breath and your stomach hurts.......I'm hoping in the process that I lost a couple of pounds. Couldn't hurt.
However, it made me think of my own walk at times. Physically I use to walk and run with confidence and very sure-footed, never thinking of stepping on a rock, or stumbling or running into someone. I was very stable. Now I am VERY aware of how I step and walk. Sometimes unsteady and always watching where I am stepping, fearful of what will happen if I trip or bump into someone.
Years and times of playing hard and abusing my body as an athlete has worn my body down. SOMETIMES I need to rely on doctors, therapists and medication to get through a day.
Spiritually I am the same way. At times my path seems unsure, with "rocks" in my pathway. I walk with an awareness that I'm not very steady, that I need something to grab hold of. What I grab hold of needs to keep me, not only steady and stable, but also on the right path no matter how steep, rocky or straight it may be. No matter how difficult life is, no matter how many heartaches or how many times I abuse my spiritual body/faith with doubts, fears, questions, anger, name it. DAILY I need to rely on Jesus (my healer), the Holy Spirt (my therapist) and God's Word (my medication) to get through a day. Yet sometimes I grab hold of things that aren't helpful.
Just like I don't always do what I am suppose to physically, I don't spiritually either. I then stumble, step on things I shouldn't, take a turn in the path that isn't helpful or just plain sit down and not move. I'm working on all I can say.
Thankfully no one is videoing me in action and laughing while I stumble! My friends see it, but keep no record and neither does Jesus. Sorry Jack!