FAITH- I have questioned where God is. I have questioned why He would allow my mom's life to end the way it did. I have questioned why He would allow my friends to be hurt, wrongly accused and their lives to be up-rooted. I have questioned why I have had to suffer so much physically. I have questioned why ALL the pain and difficulty in a short period of time.
While circumstances have caused my faith to waver at times and question God, it has not been severed.
While circumstances have caused my faith to waver at times and question God, it has not been severed.
HOPE - a few years ago it seemed as if life began to pile struggle after struggle on my head, finally culminating in my admission of needing help. Every anchor in my life was disrupted and it has altered my life. There were times when I felt like hope was a distant memory. In those times I clung to the truths I knew would anchor me from God's Word. That He will never leave me, that He loves me, that He is my Rock. That hope is anchored in the Cross.
While circumstances caused my hope to dim, it was never severed.
While circumstances caused my hope to dim, it was never severed.
LOVE - in the midst of these trials, my head has not doubted the Lord's love for me. Because of the simple fact that he died for me and because of that, I can spend eternity, undeservingly, with him in Heaven.
The love of family and friends is a security that I am not sure I could live without. God should be enough but He also created us to be relational beings. There have been a few of these friends, who are like family, that have walked difficult and fun moments with me. We have shared each others hurts and rejoiced in each others victories.
While circumstances have changed "doing life together", either by death or location, it has not severed that love. Because it is grounded in Jesus.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
While circumstances have changed "doing life together", either by death or location, it has not severed that love. Because it is grounded in Jesus.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."