I heard one of the best sermons on biblical womanhood I've ever heard. I may be a bit biased as it was from my pastor at Grace. I also certainly don't have all the answers. However, I have grown up in one mindset of what it should look like or what a group of people have interpreted scripture to mean. I have learned that, yes, the Bible is very clear on a number of things when it comes to women and our roles. However, I have also learned that we, in our sinful and humanness, include our own personal bias, opinions and growing up experiences into how this plays out.
We often blame only the "world" for its scewed version of womanhood. I believe the church is to blame as well, and by church I don't mean a specific building. I mean groups of people. We see some things through our own lenses of interpretation or just beliefs, or how we were raised. For example, what does it mean to be a "complimentarian"? You and I may both be one, however how we live that out practically, may look a little different.
What's my point? While we may have different ideas or interpretations of what scripture means to us practically, none of us have the right to see "our way" as the right way and shun those who don't believe the same way as we do. I am not referring to those biblical distinctions we hold to that separate us from other "religions". I am talking about how we live out our lives as followers of Christ, when we don't all agree on everything.
What does this have to do with womanhood? (I'm getting there!) I have lived my entire 49 years as a single woman. I've been told I am not fulfilling my life's greatest calling: that of being a wife and mother. I've been told I am less then a man, that I have to obey men, that I am not worth as much financially as I make less then a man doing the same job.
My greatest calling is where God has me now and using the gifts He has given me to share Christ with others, encourage believers and to love God and others more every day. While being "alone" may not be ideal, God's grace is enough.
Here are four fundamentalist flaws (from my pastor's sermon)
1. Hyper-patriarchy over partnership - absolute rule over women, that we are under all men.
2. Non-biblical ideals as requirements:
a. woman can't work outside the house
b. women should never be in charge
c. women should never teach men, period
d. women should not excel their husbands - be smarter than, make more money that, etc.
3. Cultural norms over timeless truths of scripture
4. A fulfillment of the second part of the curse...that men will rule over women in a negative way.
We confuse the word "helper" ..... God is referenced as helper as well. It is not being inferior or weaker. Adam could not do his role alone. He needed help, a partner.
Yes, I am soon to be married ... and my role will change. I can no longer do what I want, whenever I want to. ( yikes! ) LOL ....... this doesn't make me "better" then single people. It makes my role now different.
Church: we HAVE to change how we see single people, how we treat them and how we use them in our churches. There are single people I would rather have influencing my children (if I had them) then some married people.
Now that I have offended somebody ........ we are ALL made in God's image. Let's act like it.