Jack has laser focus when it comes to sights and sounds outside. When he gets focused on a cat, or some kid walking across our yard, he goes crazy! and the thing is, sometimes you have to literally pull his face away and re-focus him in order to get him to stop barking.
Well, I may not bark, but I do the human version.....whatever that is! You see, life is hard and it is really hard for me right now. I will not pretend. Change is difficult, and everything related to those changes are difficult. I am having a hard time focusing clearly at times.
So I have made it my goal to focus on Jesus and I. I know, I know ........ that sounds so cliche' - ish. But trust me, its not. I, you, will not survive in any good fashion, if we do not focus on Jesus. I am so much more aware of this right now in my life. All the "stuff" can get us bogged down.....jobs, family, politics, war, disease, relationships, church stuff.....you name it. There are things we can and should do regarding these things, however, when they become the focus of my attention, then I am usually trying to fix them on my own and in my own strength. That never goes well!
Don't get me wrong, they don't all of a sudden get better or fix themselves when I turn to Jesus and focus on Him. What it does do, is take my focus off of stuff, including myself and puts in singly and solely on one person: Jesus - what does that do?
It narrows the bullseye to one thing only: Him - it changes my perspective on those things. It takes the focus off of me. It puts my total dependence on the only one who can and will meet my needs. It helps me think about how I can bring God glory today. It helps me to not worry about all of the "stuff". HE is in control......
I am having trouble filling my days right now, which causes my focus to become blurry. This week, a good friend shared this with me: how can I glorify God today? If my motivation becomes about glorifying God, then it changes how I see things. It takes the normal things of my day and makes them purposeful. How I clean my house changes - or at least my attitude about it does :) It changes how I interact with people at the store or getting coffee. It takes the focus off of me and puts it on how I can bring Glory to God today. (I totally stole this from my friend)
I have been drawn lately to Ps. 121 - God's got this; He is in complete control; He will take care of my needs; God see it ALL; He will control every detail of my life; He doesn't promise me a pain free or worry free existence; Nothing will keep me from God's good purposes for me.
THAT gives me confidence for this journey of life on earth. Jesus is my guardian and my protector.
Sometimes Jesus has to grab my head, like Jack, and turn it another direction to get me re-focused. He's doing that.