Friday, January 27, 2017

Lessons Learned and Still Learning

Here are some lessons I've learned over the years:

  • I am horrible at directions! 
  • When cooking: LOW and SLOW .... low and slow
  • You CAN talk yourself out of a speeding ticket - just sayin.
  • You don't HAVE to separate your laundry.
  • You can go at least a few miles over what your car says when it says you have 0 left.
  • Hearing a dog start the process of vomiting will get you out of bed quicker than anything!
  • Dog's vomit is disgusting!
  • I have NO rhythm .... none .... at all, but wish I did.
  • Having a niece and nephews is the BEST THING EVER!
  • I LOVE the beach - not sure that is a lesson, but ... 
  • Small dogs take up a LOT of room on a bed.
  • I have a problem with all things, "as seen on tv".
  • I can "sing all 4 parts".
But I digress....I am sure there are a lot more and these are just the fun ones. The not so fun ones have lasting effects that have been life-changing. It also seems that the hard ones have to be re-taught and re-learned, or reminded of, regularly - at least for me.

Here are two that I am relearning this week.

1. I may not have any of the "big" addictions - drugs, sex or alcohol. But I have some, one in particular that I use when faced with tough times. Shopping 

As posted above, I love "As Seen On TV" stuff! I love gadgets! So some of my buying is a legit love for gadgets, etc. But in all honesty, when I am struggling I buy things. Why? Because new things make me happy. Because it puts me in control. Because it makes me feel good for awhile and I can forget the crap going on in life.

But as always, new things become old and then I have to buy again to get the same affect. Which is where my addiction comes in to play. I know this. So my goal this month is to buy NOTHING that I don't absolutely need.

2. The other thing that I was reminded of this week, is that I am a person who suffers some from anxiety. In the past 10-12 years I have worked on this with friends and Jesus and am a lot better with dealing with things that make me anxious. But it tough times it tends to rear its ugly head.

It reared it's head this week, I became anxious and reverted back to worrying, etc. The next day I read an article a friend posted on FB about loving people with anxiety and steps you can take, basically being friends with people with anxiety, etc. Then this thought hit me.....

     I have a responsibility to help myself. It does not fall on my friends, family, etc. to do all the work and "steps". 

By help myself, I mean relying on the Holy Spirit to speak truth to my spirit, to count to 10 and say, "Jesus help me", to reading scripture and sometimes, to just tell myself to STOP IT. Not easy, takes work and is hard. But worth it. Worth it for me, worth it for my friends and family, and worth it for my relationship with God.

I do, however, have a lot of nice shoes and sneakers! : )