Monday, April 30, 2018

I will tell of His kindness

Is. 63:7 NIV
"I will tell of the kindness of the LORD, the deeds for which He is to be praised, according to all the LORD has done for us..."

I am more of a, "glass half empty" type of person. Not that this is something to be proud of, but it is the bent of my personality. So when tough things happen, I usually see the bad, the negative and focus on that. Others often remind me of the good or remind me that God has a plan; that HE is in control, not me or any other person. They point out the good to help me see.

Let me tell you about a lady named Marie. Last summer I had an initial surgery for my jaw that was partially dislocating and causing a lot of pain. Sparing a LOT of details, my insurance refused to pay for it after the fact. I have been fighting them now for 9 months, not getting much help nor winning the battle. I was told there was nothing anyone could do and I had a large debt with no way of paying it.

5 years to the week that my mom passed away this January, a lady named Marie called me. I've never met her nor have I ever spoken to her. She was from the hospital where I had my surgery and was in the patient account services. She "happened" to come upon my account and realized a number of things that were wrong and began fighting for me. 

She didn't need to. She wasn't involved in my case at all. For three months she fought, appealed, found things our insurance did wrong, etc. They would say no they wouldn't pay it and she would say that wasn't acceptable and would continue to fight. 

The Lord knew......

A few weeks ago something happened to change the trajectory of my life again. Hurt, disappointed in myself and others, feeling betrayed and other emotions ran through me. I don't see what God is doing and I don't know what my future holds. Two days after this happened I got a call from Marie........

My entire medical bill has been wiped off the books! A very large sum. There still are a few things that need to be done from their end, but for me....I owe NOTHING. 

God knew .......

Knew that I would need to see Him do something so big that the only answer is, "but God"..... He knew it needed to happen right after this event took place in my life, not before. He knew I would need to know and see that He IS and WILL take care of me. 

My circle of friends have been praying with me at a specific time every day for almost a month about this insurance issue. This is also a testament to their faithfulness in praying and their believe, on my behalf, that God COULD and WOULD answer in His way, and in His time.

God used a women named Marie, who didn't know me or my case. He used friends to pray for and with me for BIG things. He did it in HIS timing when He knew I would need to see His hand the most. I kept wondering why this was dragging on so, I know.

Why is the timing of Marie's call in January significant? My mom's Marie. 

In the midst of hard......."I will tell of the kindness of the LORD, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us......."