Sunday, November 11, 2018

Because of Rain

Let's be honest, I hate rain. I used to love running in it, but other than that, I really dislike it a lot. It is dreary, cold and WET. On days that it rains, all I want to do is stay in bed with a good book and a fire in the fireplace. Well, when I had a fireplace. Rain also makes me think of death. Why? Because it seems like every time there is a funeral, it is raining. 

Logically, when you think about rain, here are some thoughts & facts:

  • Clouds bring rain.
  • Rain is wet. (they don't call me a college graduate for nothing!)
  • A lot of times when it rains it is cold.
  • Rain brings growth - grass grows, flowers grow, food grows.
  • Rains bring worms. Wet worms smell! The rain draws them out of the ground.
  • Rain produces mud - which can bring mud slides - which can cause death.
  • Rain can cause floods - which can cause death.
  • Too much rain can kills plants. 
  • After rain, there is usually new life.
  • After rain, often times there is a rainbow.
There are some common themes here: death and new growth. Grass, food and flowers need the rain for growth. So while rain/water can bring death, it always brings new life and growth.

Rain and water is used to get rid of things as well. It gets rid of the old in order to bring in the new. Water gets rid of junk on our dishes, soap in our hair, mud from our shoes and dirt from our clothes. In order for new plants to grow, they need water. The seed needs to be fed. We all know the saying, April showers bring May flowers. As much as I hate the rain part, I love the new flowers part. I love the fresh, green grass.

Same with life. In every life rain will fall, the storms will come and our lives may flood some. That may look like a loss, a death, a job issue, family stuff, injury, etc. We need that rain to wash away things in our lives that may be in the way of how God wants to use us. Or, it may simply be there to grow us more so that when the time comes, and God brings the "next thing" to our lives, we will be better equipped and grown in order to fulfill God's stuff. 

Along with those storms, often comes tears ... water ... it cleanses our hearts and souls of ... sadness, grief, fear, or anxiety. Maybe, legitly, we have something in our eye that needs to come out! 

All the rain, water, tears is needed. Get rid of. Grow.

Why does the ground need to expose the worms though, if they live in the ground?!

So, let it rain.