Friday, January 25, 2019

Strangers on this Earth

"And even when he reached the land God had promised him, he lived there by faith - for he was like a foreigner, living in tents. And so did Isaac and Jacob, who inherited the same promise. Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God." Heb. 11:9-10

Six years ago today my mom passed away from Parkinson's disease, unable in her last months and weeks to talk, walk by herself, and in the end, unable to respond at all. She became unresponsive at home and ended up in the hospital with us having to make the decision to let God take her home. My dad also just passed away last month.

As you watch those you love, age and die, you realize this is not how God designed life to be. This was not what He intended when He created the earth and man. The Garden of Eden is what He planned. Where food was in abundance, where God walked in the Garden with Adam and Eve, and where there were no tears or death. Until .....

There was a time in my life where I didn't really think about that. Life on earth was pretty good, I had jobs, stuff and lots of friends and family. I even thought when/if I finally got married, all would be well. That those things would satisfy the desires of my heart.

I've learned just the opposite. None of those things met my, nor will they meet your deepest heart's desires. Only God can. I still don't completely understand that humanly speaking. But God's Word speaks of it, talking about how we are strangers on this earth....foreigners. A foreigner is someone who does not belong to a particular place; someone born from a country other than their own.

As a follower of Jesus, Heaven is my home. One day I/we, will live in a world where things will be as God intended - perfect. No tears, no pain, no death, no hate, none of the things we are currently experiencing on this earth. Yes, there are some good things on earth....working good jobs, good friends, good marriages, etc. and those are a small picture of what it will be like in Heaven one day.

In the meantime, we live in an imperfect world, trying to live like Jesus wants us to - loving God and loving others. We enjoy friends and family. We love our jobs. We enjoy eating good food, laughing and loving others. We live and experience hard things, while our heart longs for something different, something better. That something is Heaven - with Jesus.

Personally I can't wait......nor can my body! Having no physical pain will be glorious!! :)