If we think we have any control over our lives, we have only to look at the weather lately to dismiss that thought entirely. My family has missed 8 days of school in the last 10, all for various weather issues. First it was snow, then cold temps, and the latest was due to ice. The crazy thing? In the midst of those weather patterns, there were temps of 45 degrees, sun and rain for a few days. Only God could have done that.
Let's be honest, we all think we control our lives, at least to some degree. And to clear, there are some things that we do control. We control decisions we make, attitudes we have, places we go, whether we eat out or cook at home, whether we go shopping and spend money or not. There are a lot of things that we "control". Ultimately, however, we really don't control much of anything. God does, as is His right. After all, we are HIS creation.
In reading through Genesis, I came to the part where Abram and Lot went separate ways as the land could not hold them both. God promised Abram a land that He would show him and that He would make him into a great nation. What did Abram do? He packed up and left and just started walking. He had no idea where this land was.
When it came time to part ways with Lot, Abram gave him the first choice of where to live. Lot chose the best and Abram had what was left over. He allowed Lot to take the best because his faith said that God was in control and had made promises to him.
Two men. Two perspectives. Two faiths.
Abram - walked by faith - offers selflessly - worships God in the midst.
Lot - chose by sight - chose selfishly - no evidence that he worshiped God during this time.
Results: God fulfilled His promise to Abram and made him into a great nation. Lot was drawn into the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah.
I also think that there is a key in this story, and that is that Abram worshipped God in all of this. You can see him building alters to God a few times and worshipping.
Worship while we wait. Walk by faith. Walk in trust of the One who controls everything.
I would really like for the warmth of summer to come quickly!!!