Saturday, August 24, 2019

Parents - a precious gift.

I have not written anything in quite a while, but I have had some topics and thoughts simmering in my brain for some time now. 

As a young kid, time is something you think you have a lot of. We don't think about getting old or for that fact, our parents getting old. We know they are. We can see the grey hair, the slower steps, and the aging their bodies endure. Yet, somehow, we think they are invincible and will live forever. 

I never really thought about life without my parents. In some weird way, I just never thought it would happen. I know that sounds ridiculous. I probably just lived in denial of it ever happening. But we grow up feeling like our parents are always going to be around. I did. I certainly did not expect my mom to die as soon as she did. I thought another 10-15 years for sure. She was always so healthy. But diseases are no respecter of persons. 

In some ways, my brothers and I lost both of our parents the day mom died. But, dad was still there. Even if I couldn't have the same kinds of conversations with him, he was still there, physically as strong as ever. The man who provided for and protected our family. He was always such a strong man with an even stronger faith and trust in God. 

The moment he passed away I fell into my brother's arms sobbing and what came out of my mouth was, 'we no longer have any parents and are alone now'. He kept telling me it was going to be ok. He's right. We are ok and we have our family. But things have changed. There is security in knowing you have your parents there for you. There are safety and unconditional love. There is help or advice on the other end of the phone. They are your parents and there is a deep sense of loss when they are both gone. Geez I miss them terribly ... and it was so hard to watch them both die ... at the same time it was an honor for my brother and me to be there both times to usher them from life to death - from death to life - with Jesus forever. It is something no one can explain until you experience it, and it will be a different experience for each of us. Sacred, none-the-less.

Parents are a blessing. They are to be treasured and loved. They are to be respected and obeyed. They aren't perfect by any means. Neither are we, their children. But they are God's blessing to us. We are to care for them in their old age, honor them and hold them in high esteem. Consider it a blessing to be able to care for them in their declining years.

They are gone. They are in my heart. I will see them again one day. 

Treasure your parents - take time with them. Sit with them. Listen to them. Because one day you won't be able to.

Yes, a more mellow post, but a real-life one. 

Dad was given another stone to honor his military service.