Wednesday, December 18, 2019

It's Not Suppose To Be This Way

Dear Dad,

I remember the moment God took you to Heaven. It was in the very early hours of the morning as Scott and I sat by your bed, holding your hands, as we watched the life leave your eyes. We knew at that very second you were no longer with us, but with the two loves of your life: Jesus & Mom. Your heart still beat for a little while longer, but it too eventually came to a slow and gentle stop. What a heart-breaking/wrenching, life-altering moment for us. What a life-healing, eternity changing moment for you.

In some ways, it seems like a long time ago. But at other times, it feels like yesterday. Gosh, we miss you so much. Your kindness, loyalty, your smile when you'd see us, how your face shined with love when you talked about mom, your example of how to care for those you love, your love and example of how to live for Jesus, and your encouragement. I even miss that dang story you told hundreds of times after mom died! : )

Scott, Steve, and I are ok. We still grieve you and mom, laugh about habits you had or things you guys did, cry because you are gone. Its been a really hard year and we sure could have used your advice and never-ending encouragement and positive outlook on life. But, we have that example to follow now.

We could not have asked for better parents. You weren't perfect - LOL - but you were ours and we are taking what you have taught us and hopefully continuing the legacy of loving God, loving others, humbly serving, while we wait to see you both again.

Today is another one of those "it shouldn't be this way", milestones or anniversaries. But I/we have the hope and assurance that we will see you and mom again because of Jesus. Until then ....

It shouldn't be this way, but because it is right now, we live in hope and anticipation of God making all right again when He comes back.

I love you.