Thursday, May 29, 2014

Things we can learn from puppies

I have chosen to volunteer at our local 4PAWS For Ability this summer ... Specifically with the "puppy house".  There is really nothing like playing with puppies to quiet the spirit and put a smile on your face!  πŸΆπŸ˜€.  So twice a week I go for a few hours each day.

My observations for today, as I watched them interact ...

1.  Even puppies need community ... Litters of pups can't be mixed until they have had all of their shots, so while I am playing with one litter another litter is in a "cage" in the same room.  I noticed that after they would run around and play, when they settled down they would all end up cuddled together in a corner of the pen.  They needed to be near each other.  While I am not suggesting we humans cuddle in a corner together, the point is obvious:  we need each other.

2.  Puppies need the occasional "pat on the head" or puppy cuddle ... As I was playing with the pups, they would run around the room, play with their toys and fight with each other.  But every so often they would drop what they were doing and run over to me, wanting a ruffling of their head, a pat or encouraging word ... As if that extra encouragement gives them the confidence to go "back out there".  Off they go.  Who needs an encouraging word from you/me today?  Instead of thinking about myself and what I need, I need to be aware of those around me.

3.  They want what each other has ... This is not exactly a positive one! LOL, but true of dogs and people, none-the-less.  Each dog had the same type of rope they were playing with, however they would drop theirs and go after what the other one had.  Funny to watch for sure!  I have to fight against the same thing, whether it's wanting what someone else has or wishing my life was like someone else's.

4.  They have the occasional "mess" and even walk right through it! ..... And of course they poop or pee at will wherever they are, and most of the time walk in it!  Then come over and crawl over me, getting their mess on me!  In some cases we need each other to walk through our "messes" with us and those are the "good" experiences.  Other times we make a "bad" mess and get it, and the stink of
it, on others.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014


So I consider myself a pretty brave person ... Until it comes to tornados, that is.  As I sit down here in my basement listening to the second siren of the night.  The first one came as I was out walking Skylar.  I'm looking at all the crumbling brick and old wood down here and think I'd be better off in my bathtub!!  The good news is that it shouldn't be to hard to dig me out with such soft brick.  It literally is falling off the insides of this basement!

I should clarify that this is not a comfy finished basement ... It's a dark, cold and musty cellar!  The good news:  I get GREAT internet connection down here.  I am a little bit amazed though as I peak out once in awhile to see what's going on, only to see people outside and read about people not going to their shelters.  It reminds me of how often I ignore "warnings" from The Holy Spirit and just think, oh, nothing is going to happen to me; this won't affect me; I don't REALLY have to protect myself. It only takes one "tornado" to catch me off guard.  Be on guard, watch and listen to, and for, those warnings.

All this to say, I hate tornados and warnings and I hate living by myself when they come!  Skylar isn't much help as I can't get her down here with me!  And by the way, it did touch down here near Cedarville.  A couple of houses/farms outside of town were hit.  Praise The Lord that it didn't come through town.  But also praying those families are ok.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

My mom and I

My mom is my hero ... If you knew how we were as I was growing up, you'd be surprised by this statement.  Not because I didn't love my mom, but because we were so different and we expressed ourselves very differently.  I came to realize years later that my mom wasn't disappointed in me because I was a "tomboy", or because I never learned how to sew or cook, etc.  She just wished we were closer growing up, as did I, and I regret not trying harder.  But like in anything, dwelling on regrets only hurts us and keeps us "stuck".

It is days like today though, that I think about my mom a lot and miss her a lot.  We grew a lot closer in the last five or so years, ironically, when she was losing her ability to talk and remember conversations after we had them.  There are two conversations I will NEVER forget ...

As I helped her into bed one night, I tucked her in and she grabbed my face with her hands and told me what a blessing I was to her.  I think it was because of my attempt to do her nails during this particular visit!  I laid on the bed with her until she fell asleep, and thought how many times must she have done that for me as a child.

The other conversation was similar.  I got her into her chair and she took my face, again into her shaking hands, and told me I was her hero.  I thought to myself why in the world would she think that.  I will never know ... But I said, no mom, you are MY hero.  Why?

1.  She mothered three kids whom she did not give birth to.
2.  She raised them, often by herself, as my dad was involved in the ministry God had for our family.
3.  She made our house a home on very little money.  We never wanted for anything. Every birthday was a BIG deal.
4.  She went back to finish college and earn two master's degrees once we all were in high school and beyond.  She would go to school, take care of us, making sure we always had dinner together, went to our games, often after her classes.  I don't know how she did it.
5.  She always put so much time and thought into gifts for us all the way up until she could no longer make anything with her hands.
6.  She battled two ugly diseases with dignity and humor, without complaining.  I'm sure she had her moments, which she was allowed to have, but I never heard her complain.

There are more to this list ... But ... SHE is MY hero ...

Friday, May 9, 2014

Food Coma

So tonight I had my first experience at The Melting Pot, a fondu eating experience.  Now I LOOOOOOVE food!  And for the most part, I like trying new foods.  This was also my first time where eating a 4 course meal took 2 1/2 hours!
First course:  cheese!  A staple in the diary category ... Two kinds with "secret" ingredients!

Second course:  your basic salad ... And no, there was no dipping.

Third course:  chicken and filet ... Dipped and cooked in two kinds of cooking broth.  Not to mention the broccoli & potatoes.

Fourth course ... And most defiantly my favorite!  Was the dessert:  cookies and cream dipping sauce, with dark chocolate and marshmallow cream ... Dippers:  you name it!  Fruit, brownies, etc.

My observations:

1.  If you don't like sharing your food, don't go here!  It's not about the dipping part, it's about wanting all the dessert and not wanting to share!

2.  Not a good place for a first date.  No, I didn't ... the reason?  You can't escape quickly if your date isn't going well!

3.  Wear pants that have a stretchy waistband, you'll need it.

4.  Be prepared, at some point, to literally hit the wall and want to sleep.  As I write this, I am already in bed.

5.  Go with people you really like because you will be there for a long time and will have to talk at some point.  You can only stare across the table in silence for so long!

Good experience ... With good friends ... Good night

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Summer Routine

While summer has just started for me, I have settled into a early morning routine.  It consists of eating breakfast, drinking coffee and walking Skylar, drinking coffee .... And, that's about it so far.  I have a goal of losing some weight I have gained due to back problems.  Now walking Skylar is like walking a spastic animal who can't decide which side of the road she wants to sniff.

She stops ... Starts ... Sniffs ... Goes to the right ... Goes to the left ... Goes behind me ... Pushes ahead of me ( which is the only thing I like about our time together! ) ... Stops ... Sniffs ... Refuses to be hurried along in her sniffing ... You get the picture!

It ABSOLUTELY drive me NUTS!!  I get inpatient, occasionally yell ya her to "keep it moving" (like she really understands that).  I have a goal in mind, see the trail I need to be on, and see the end.  I also see some pitfalls for her.  Like the car coming, as she attempts to cross to the other side, AGAIN. Or the tall, wet grass where she could get ticks.  I also try to balance her need for sniffing and the euphoria she gets from this experience.  Scents are to dogs, like chocolate is to humans ... Or so they tell me.  But my word!  How many times do you have to smell the SAME pole, or tree, or bush!!?

Pause ... My other pup, Chloe, was the BEST exercise dog!  She stayed ahead of me, knew where we were going, and always pulled when we headed home ... Where undoubtedly, she felt safe.

It then occurred to me that Jesus must feel the same way with me sometimes.  He set me on a path, with a goal in mind.  He sees the end, He sees the pitfalls I should avoid.  I, however, go to the right, to the left, stay behind, forge ahead of my own doing, or sometimes just enjoy a season that is good and don't want to leave it.  I wondered if sometimes Jesus is just saying, " come ON Lori! "

So, maybe I should be more patient with Skylar!