Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Road Trip Musings ...

I'm in my hometown this week beginning the process of packing up my parents house, as we are moving my dad to live with my brother and his family....a blog for another day.  But as I drove I had a few thoughts.

1.  This drive is long and boring by yourself ..... it gives someone like me too much time on hand to think! Although the good part is that I also had plenty of time to prepare for what lies ahead.

2.  Driving across PA is absolutely beautiful.  I would attach a picture, but I am still learning the whole blogging thing and can't figure out how to do that easily!  It's a very hilly and mountainess drive.

3.  Rest stops are freaky places!  I really don't care for them much, especially at night.  Speaking of rest areas....

4.  I became THAT person yesterday.  Yep, I walked out after using said facility and on my to my car I see my shadow.  Only it has something that I don't recognize attached.  As I look closer....you guessed it!  I had a long piece of toilet paper hanging out from my shorts!  Oh well ... I will never see those people again.  I now do the "toilet paper double check" before leaving the stall!

5.  PA is notorious for its construction.  I've been going back there for 25 years now and there is ALWAYS construction going on.  On this trip, however, I saw a lot of signs and pylons. Not much constructing was going on, however.  No wonder it's still going on after 25 years.

That's all I have for this round.  Back to packing ...

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