My Family (minus their rents!)
I NEVER send Christmas cards or update letters, etc. Just not my "thing". However, now that I have a blog, I thought I'd write a "Christmas update blog". There continued to be changes and difficult times this past year, but in the midst I have seen God's hand and protection & provision for me and others in my life. So, here we go .......
1. Most people here only know me as the girl who keeps having surgery! Let me assure you, I do NOT like nor want to have anymore! : ) I would not change my athletic career, but I am definitely paying for it now. I had a major fusion in my lower back just as the new year began. It was pretty awful. Thankful for good friends and co-workers who helped, made food and came to encourage me (even though I almost threw up on one!)
2. One of my dearest friends moved. I hate change and this kind of change I probably hate the most. But I am thankful for God's provision for her as it was a major change for her in many ways, and .... its not too far away!
3. I developed and taught a brand new course this semester. Always tough when you don't know what it will look like and there were certainly challenges that will result in some changes for next year, BUT, it was one of my favorite classes ever to teach! (social media in sport)
4. We moved my dad from PA to MI over a period of months starting this summer. It's time for my brother, his family and I to take care of him. So he is now living with Scott and his family. He is adjusting. Wow, its hard when roles change but God has been gracious to us. Oh....and, DOWNSIZE PEOPLE, DOWNSIZE!
5. I lost my second German Shepherd : ( She was my first dog. I rescued her in VA when she was 7 weeks old. Sweet pup, but stubborn! haha.
6. A Friend of mine was moving and could not keep their 2 year old dog...... yep ...... I adopted him. Did I mention he's a SMALL dog? Oh my ...... never thought I would have a small dog, but he has won my heart and keeps me warm! Pretty sure I have gone from "favorite neighbor" whose shepherds NEVER barked, to "most annoying neighbor" whose new dog doesn't stop barking!
7. Still teaching at Cedarville. Love my students and our major! Taking 10 of us to the Dominican Republic over spring break in March. We will be working with a community holding mini sports camps for kids, working on a construction project and hopefully meeting up with some professional baseball players for a day.
8. Big news: started my doctorate. It may kill me. Just finished my first class and will be taking two more this next semester. It will be a Dr. of Education in Sport Management from the United States Sports Academy. I will be finished in ..... well ..... umm ..... let's just say, a few years!
9. Did I mention a surgery? No, not THAT one. Needed to fix a hip issue that was getting in the way of my recovery from the other one. So just had a scope done a few weeks ago and feeling a lot better. After 4-6 months of rehab, I should be good to go!
10. and number 10 ....... my first nephew is a senior and will be graduating in June! WHAAATTTT!!! in honor of him, let me share a picture of days gone by.
and lastly ...... but most importantly .... I am thankful for all that God has done IN me over the year. I am still lazy and don't read my Bible enough, praying is not always my first instinct, I still complain about things I can't change and I still struggle over things that have happened in my life and in those I care about. But, God is patient. He is gracious and faithful. He continues to heal my heart and soul.
As we get ready to celebrate our second Christmas holiday without my mom, I am not only reminded of how much I miss her, but continue to be thankful for all I have learned from her and for her Godly example of trust and faith in God. I also can't begin to fathom the celebration she is experiencing in Heaven!
Merry Christmas