Sunday, December 7, 2014

Taboo Subjects

Not only in light of recent events, but also because of some things I have been thinking about for awhile, I have some thoughts on taboo subjects.  The definition of taboo, according to Merriam, is "not acceptable to talk about or do".  When we are little kids, our parents teach us that picking our nose in public, burping or worse, talking in class, etc. are "taboo" things to do.  We each probably have our list of things we didn't talk about. Either because that is just the way it was or how that generation of parenting was done.  But that isn't really where I am going with this.  My issue is with the Church and our Christian organizations today.

My desire is not to get into a theological discussion of what Church is for or what it is not for, or who's job it is to confront and talk about these taboo topics.  I grew up in the church and around a Christian organization and think I have a pretty good handle on what they are for and their role.

Whether it is because of this generation's ability to talk about difficult subjects or because our society is in such turmoil that we all feel the need to talk, it is clear that (in my opinion) we need to step up. What are those taboo subjects?  Depression, suicide, physical, mental and sexual abuse, homosexuality (other then to say its wrong), death and its affects on those left, racism, alcohol (again, other then to take a specific stand in certain settings) to name a few.

These are real issues that do not need the platitude responses that they usually garner.  Nor do they need the fighting over that we often find in our churches about what the Bible says or doesn't say about them.  Nor do they deserve silence.  This is not an attack on all churches and Christian organizations.  A lot of them are having difficult conversations and getting involved in people's lives who are experiencing these things.  My issue is simply about the silence, ignoring or denying they exist.  Don't forget, this is just my personal opinion and thoughts! : )

We either don't talk about them because we have never experienced them and don't know how to, or they are just uncomfortable. Or worse, we don't want to get our hands dirty to walk through life with someone who has experienced one of these.  Life is messy, so is sin and its results and consequences.  Jesus walked though life with messy people.  I trust, admire and want to be like those people (even in my own life) who have chosen to do messy.

If we don't talk about them, engage in them, address them and do something about them, we are only going to, as they say, repeat history.

If not IN THE CHURCH, then where can we talk about these things and do something about them? Its not comfortable.  Its sometimes scarey.  I'm scared at times.  But its time to stop denying or ignoring bad things happen or are happening.  Its time to talk and engage people who are hurting and experiencing these real life situations.  Its also time to stop being silent.  It doesn't really matter where we all fall theologically - we certainly aren't silent on THAT.  It matters that people are hurting INSIDE the church as well as OUTSIDE.

It matters that people are struggling with depression and effects of abusive relationships (yes, it happens in the church).  It matters that people struggle with homosexuality.  It matters that people live in poverty.  It matters that racial inequality & injustice exists.  It matters that we, as Christians, divide ourselves in groups based on what WE believe about specific topics, theologically or otherwise.

I don't know the answer totally.  I don't even know what I am to do, other then to love others, get messy and try to help others.  But I do know this:

It's time to talk about taboo topics in churches and christian organizations......and to DO something about them.

On a lighter more paper and I am finished with my first doctoral class!  Well, maybe that isn't a lighter note! haha

1 comment:

  1. I can hear your Dad saying many of these things, probably because I HAVE heard him say them. 1982 at Genesee Hills Baptist Church, Syracuse, NY.

    I remember him touching on many of these things, including Christian young ladies pregnant out of wedlock. I'm serious, he said a lot of this that Sunday. Sad thing was, not many truly listened. The Church still has so much growing up to do.

    You learned well, my dear friend. Keep on for Christ. Standing beside you in the faith. :)
