Friday, February 27, 2015

Mission's Trip to the Dominican Republic

So excited to be taking some sport management students to the DR tomorrow for spring break!  7 students and 2 fac/staff are taking off at 3:00 am to spend a week using some of the things we have learned in the classroom and putting them into real-life application.

This is the fulfillment of a dream come true for me when I started teaching in our major.  Giving our students at least one opportunity to use sport to share Christ over-seas while they are students here.  I grew up watching my dad take groups of basketball players over-seas all the time and using it as a platform to share Christ.  He and my mom continued this right up until she got sick.

There is something about getting out of our own comfort zones and seeing life outside of our bubble, that gives us a renewed perspective, not only on what we have, but also a challenge to our own faith journey.

We will be crazy busy!  We will be spending about 4 days up in the mountains helping with construction in the mornings and running a basketball "clinic" in the afternoons.  One of my favorite parts of this is that we will have no internet access and only 3 hours of electricity every other day!  
Time with just each other, these kids and Jesus.

However, all work and no play might make this prof grouchy!  So we will be spending our last day on a resort beach!  Not gonna lie ... kind of psyched about that!  

Praying Jesus changes all of our lives in some way through this trip.  Whether it is loving Him more, loving others more, growing in our personal daily faith or making us more grateful for what we have, I expect we will all come back a little different then when we leave tomorrow.

So thankful for a week in 80 degree weather too!

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