It has been a long time since I have lived in an apartment. There are so many things that make it an interesting experience. Let me share some with you.....
- This is a no smoking complex, and by complex don't get me wrong, it's not a fancy gig. Like clockwork, every morning and afternoon when I walk Jack I see this guy sitting out on his porch smoking. Does he think the smell doesn't go back into the apartment with him?
- The washer/dryer room is right next to my apartment. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out where this smell was coming from. Well, the dryer vent to the outside is right outside my sliding glass door and so whatever dryer sheet smell is used, I smell it. It wasn't so good this weekend. How are there dryer sheets that don't smell good?
- There is an old couple who live next to me. What is it about older people who like to watch what goes on in the neighborhood? Every time I drive in with Hank (my truck), he has to look out to see what I'm doing. Usually, I park next to his truck, and tonight was no different. As I got out and began walking to the door, I saw him get up and come to his slider, "you didn't hit my truck did you", he asks. No, no I didn't hit your truck (insert eye roll) "just thought I'd ask" he said.
- I think the guy above me works out. The reason I say, I think, is because his appearance does not match that idea. However, his deck is full of work out equipment, including a punching bag. For the love of all that is quiet and respectful, it sounds like a herd of elephants is tap dancing up there on a regular basis. Either that or he can't carry those heavy weights he's lifting and so they drop on the floor. Oh, and numerous soda cans keep dropping and finding their way onto my deck.
- We have about 25 geese on our pond. I don't mind, I kind of like them. Jack on the other hand keeps our porch clear of them. Yes, they come up pretty close. I now know why. A lady in the building next to mind FEEDS them. I mean FEEDS them PILES of whatever it is geese eat! So they are used to coming up pretty close. The other day I heard her talking to them, and I heard, "oh, that's why you aren't coming up for food", as she hears and sees Jack barking his bloody fool head off at them. LOL
Oh, the joys of apartment living!