There are several things I have learned through my walk through cancer this past year. Some can be humorous but most are not. Here goes .....
1. Chemo brain is a real thing. I hear it can last up to a year, so I am still occasionally experiencing it. At its worse, I couldn't think of words and my brain was very fuzzy. At its best, words can still be hard to fine.
2. The exhaustion that comes with chemo is hard to explain but I imagine your body has to work so hard because of the chemicals that you can do nothing else but lay on the couch for months.
3. I can't stand the smell of alcohol wipes. Every time I had an infusion or gave blood they cleaned the area with alcohol wipes and now the smell makes me gag every time.
4. Burping has become crazy! I don't just mean a little burp, I am talking every time I stand up I can almost say the alphabet ... really, really loudly.
5. It is amazing what the body can handle - God has created an amazing thing.
6. I am in NO control of my life. Which is probably a good thing.
7. Nurses are angels ... particularily phlebotomists
8. Your veins can only take so much before they blow up ... literally.
9. The peace I had throughout treatment can only be described as from the Lord.
10. Hair ... I actually didn't mind being bald. Of course my friends said I had good head for being bald! LOL, which brings me to another some point the hair on your head comes off in your hands but the hair on your arms and legs? One day it's just gone. Where did it go? anyway .....
11. Friends are your lifeline. This is not a solo venture, it requires support (Stuart Scott).
12. The power of prayer is powerful, yet hard to describe.
13. What you think you can't endure, you can ... one day at a time.
14. Binge watching tv is a real thing!
15. Grocery delivery is a great thing.
16. Falling and breaking your arm in multiple places, requiring surgery, while undergoing chemo really sucked.
17. Jack, my dog, wasn't really helpful.
18. Working on your dctorate during chemo may not have been the smartest thing cuz I don't remember what I learned. LOL
19. I was fortunate to be living near my family. I couldn't imagine being alone for this.
20. Your hair grows back fast, but very patchy.