Friday, April 12, 2024

Uncommon Faith

Have you ever prayed for something, but just knew it wouldn't be answered in the way you wished for? I have. I prayed God would heal my mom from Parkinson's.....I prayed He would heal my dad from Alzheimers...He didn't. 

Now I don't think it was necessarily because of my lack of faith. Mostly it was because I have never heard of anyone being healed from either of those diseases. God could have healed them both. He chose not to. I don't know why.....I didn't see much good come out of either of those situations.....can you imagine the spiritual outcome if God had chosen to heal either of my parents??? So why didn't He.....I won't know until I see Him some day.

But .....

I often pray for things not really believing God will answer in the way I am praying. I think therein lies the lesson....The Gentile woman pleaded with Jesus to heal her daughter from demon possession. His response? Basically no -  In fact, he initially ignored her and then finally said, "I was only sent for my people Israel". She persisted. He again said no, "it isn't right to take food from children and give to the dogs". (imagine being compared to dogs and still persisting to ask) She asked for a third time saying, "even dogs get scraps from their master's table". 

Jesus' third response? "Dear woman, your faith is great. Your request is granted". Why only after three times did Jesus finally answer her and heal her daughter? I don't know, but here is what uncommon faith might look like:

1. Faith that withstands God's silence.
2. Faith that endures rebuffs from other people - even the disciples told Jesus to make her go away, that she was bothering them.
3. Persistance

If we persist, will God answer our prayer in the way we want? Nope......that's discouraging to be honest. But I think it is in the persistence, silence, and rebuff of others that grows our faith and relationship with God. It's in the faith that knowing God can. I think sometimes we can get through the first two, but its the persistence where we falter, especially when God doesn't answer right away. 

It sure would be nice though to see God answer a prayer that humanly speaking can't be done - like healing my parents from those diseases. Just being honest....

Uncommon Faith = gives God the opportunity to do uncommon things

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