I want to be a Jedi right now. I want revenge, and I want it badly. If we are all honest, there have been times where we have all thought about getting revenge for something. I remember as a kid, I was terrified of big spiders. (I had a bad childhood experience where I ate one - story for another time). In the 5th grade my classmates found out about this fear, so they mercilessly mocked me and traumatized me further by putting pictures of big harry spiders in y locker, desk, books and lunch bags. I hated them for that! Boy did I want revenge.
At that age, the only thing I knew to do, was beat their cans in any game we played outside - card tossing, racing, king of the mountain, you name it; or by turning them in for spiking the juice at our 6th grade party. Yes, they did ..... and yes, I did.
My forms of inventive and painful ideas for revenge our much bigger today. I want revenge for the hurt my friends have experienced a few years ago. For the lies told to, and about them, the innuendos, the poor, ungodly treatment they endured, all in the name of Jesus. I want revenge for the abused in our churches, where in the name of protecting Jesus and their reputations, some churches ignore, cover up and in some cases outright do not believe and therefore call those accusing, liars. I want revenge for my own experiences, especially this past year and a half. I want everyone to know the truth.
Here's what I think I know about God. If I take revenge, then God won't, or won't need to. His justice will be much better than anything I could do. To be honest, that isn't very satisfying right now, humanly speaking. But, if we believe that God's Word is true and all of His promises are true, then "vengeance is mine, says the Lord". He WILL do it. So whether that is here on earth or when they (we) face Jesus face-to-face, vengeance will be had. Just as sobering is anything I will have to answer for as well.
If you really think about that, what could be better revenge than having them face Jesus and give account for what they did? So I guess I'll let Jesus handle this.
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